

CHARTRES / Capital of stained glass and light

Stained glass is everywhere at Chartres, the Cathedral, in the workshops, the Centre International du Vitrail. Between glass and light, it is a long history that continues to this festival with "Lights of Chartres" that illuminates the city all summer.
Text : Gaelle Redon - Photos : Patrick Forget

CIVIL SECURITY / Canine fire fighters, top rescuers

In France, specially-trained dogs have been searching for people buried under avalanches for the past twenty years. They are amazingly efficient in finding anybody stuck under rocks and snow, and these bloodhound are now famous for their exploits.
Text : Hugues Demeude - Photos : Patrick Forget, Stéphane Gautier

CIVIL SECURITY / High-risk rescue teams

Cascades of ice, canyons, a blazing inferno in the heart of a forest, nuclear power plant chimneys, toxic chemical leaks… None of these dangers are obstacles for these elite rescue teams. Super-trained firemen, they put their expert know-how to the service of emergency aid.
Text : Hugues Demeude - Photos : P. Forget / S. Gautier

CIVIL SECURITY / Montain rescue, saving lifes in the snow

Skiers, hikers, climbers - more than 50 000 people are saved every winter in france. A true disaster. Wether they be emergency technicians, doctors, ski patrollers, or dog-handlers, they are constantly on alert.

Text : Hervé Jouanneau
Photos : P. Forget / S. Gautier

CIVIL SECURITY / NRBC threats : the world expects the worse

From the deadly sarin gaz terrorist attack in 1995 in Tokyo to september 11th and its successive anthrax attacks, the world feels immerged in a doomsday scenario.

Texte : Hervé Jouanneau - Photos : P. Forget / S. Gautier

CUBA / Ernest Hemingway, An American in Cuba

50 years after his death, Cuba has not forgotten Ernest Hemingway. A jaunt in the footsteps of the 1954 winner of the Nobel Prize for literature, from his room in the Ambos Mundos Hotel to the bars of Havana, from the fishing village of Cojimar to his house in San Francisco de Paula.
Text : Didier Forray - Photos : Patrick Forget

CUBA / The past conjugates into the present !

From the shaded squares of old Havana to the small streets of Trinidad, Cuba offers an amazing trip in time. Different eras emerge from the past and mix together. A side trip to the Viñales Valley and Cojimar adds even more to the unusual experience.
Text : Didier Forray - Photos : P. Forget / A. Le Bléavec

DUBAI / The city of architecture

Dubai is the story of a metamorphosis. From a strip of sand, it has become in just a few years one of the main capitals in the region. And the little Emirate's ambition doesn't stop there: it will host the 2020 World Expo!

Feature : Didier Forray

ENVIRONMENT / Exhibition Fragile Earth

Produced in partnership between the association and the Hummingbird Effect photographer Patrick Forget, the exhibition has already been presented workshops Earth Deauville, Pollutec the lounge of the habitat, the Necker Hospital, COP21 ...

Photos : Patrick Forget

ENVIRONMENT / Urban farming is winning ground à Paris

From Singapore to Seattle, passing through Toronto where every new building in the public sector already has to be cultivable, agriculture has come to the city: environmental and social oxygenation, food and self-sufficiency and safety, and a reclaiming of public spaces.
Text : Anne-Laure Murier - Photos : Stéphane Gautier